Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's official... son is a big boy.

I remember when Owen grew out of the "newborn" clothes at Gymboree (which are 0-24 months) and he was then in the "baby boy" section. Well now Owen has grown out of the baby boy section and he's in the "Kid Boy" section! It really is crazy. Not only that but, today I was looking through a book of classes, deciding which to sign him up for after this session. Well, he's too old to take ANY of the classes we've taken this year and unfortunately a couple classes I wanted to sign him up for.

We went to the outlets the other day and I seriously was only able to find like 5 things in Owen's size at Carter's. I guess they tend to specialize in baby clothes, because the baby clothes are super cute (and I swear the baby boy newborn stuff has gotten cuter since I've had to buy it)

Owen doesn't even ride in the shopping cart anymore. He walks next to me and helps me shop. He goes and picks up things I ask him to find (bananas, apples, crackers, etc) and he also picks out his own stuff. I threw a loaf of bread in the cart and I turned for a second and not only had Owen taken the loaf out of the cart, put it back on the shelves... but he had chosen a loaf of bread that he wanted instead. It's so nice to have a kid who can just walk around the store with me, and not cry in the seat and get bored. He also understands the whole stay out of the road concept really well. If we're walking out of a store he looks towards the parking lot, turns back and looks at me, and reaches his hand out to me and says "cars coming. be careful" :) I finally feel like that 6 months of broken record has paid off and a light bulb went off. I think Owen is out of the terrible twos. Ahh the "terrific threes" are next, and I can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww!! Jared has JUST moved out of the newborn stuff and into 2T . . . I'm so not ready!! I love Carters clothing, but I find now with Jared they don't fit right. All I buy there are his pajamas. I can't wait until the boys are able to help out around the store and just walk with you. Jared just runs, so it's so hard to take them places. Ohwell, it'll get better I know it ;-)