Sunday, February 22, 2009

I never thought....

That we would even think about getting a van, but now we're considering it. We sold our Lancer a couple months ago. We only had it for just under a year and we weren't that happy with it. The Lancer just didn't seem as nice as our other two cars, nor did it have all of the high end features that they have. Sooo long to the Lancer! We're still deciding if we want to get a 2010 Ford Fusion, 2010 Ford Taurus, or a 2010 Town & Country. Basically we want to take our Mustang off the road next winter because it's been tough this year with Brian driving it in the snow (after we sold the Lancer, which actually wasn't any better in the snow, we got a lot of snow storms) So we'll be back to 3 cars again but it will be well worth it next winter when we can have two family and winter friendly cars, and put the mustang back on the road in the spring.

We're just kind of stuck with our decision because we're not sure if we want/need another big gas guzzler. Baby number 2 is probably going to come in late 2010, but we won't have the "two kids and their friends" situation going on until a few years later. So do we need two big 7 passenger vehicles or should we stick to our SUV and get a Fusion or Taurus (both 5 passenger)?

We want to buy them brand new and sell them 3 years later after the warranty wears off, and then buy another car. So we could get a van at that point when our kids are 5 and 10 and both of friends to be carted around too.

Whatever car we get, it will be black like our suv... and both sedans would be 4 door.

Chrysler Town & Country

Ford Fusion

Ford Taurus
(We're leaning towards this car)


Anonymous said...

i'm sure the van is great and all but i just can't really picture you driving a van.

with that said, i think the taurus looks more like your style (and it's my fave too from that list) i think you should stick to your explorer, mustang...... and get the new taurus.

Anonymous said...

go with either of the sedans

Brooke said...

The Taurus is a really nice looking car! Trent wants one, but we're going to wait until we can get a used 2010 most likely. About the van thing, we have one and it's totally a mom car but I love it. I didn't feel like I needed one as much when I had babies but now that my oldest is an 3rd grader it's come in handy a bunch of times. I think you should go with your plan and wait to get a van until your kids are older. Sometimes I miss my old small car and miss that part of my life when I got what I wanted to drive.

Cadence said...

Yes Brooke and I in our mommivans! We don't have a van as nice as the T&C but ours does the job! I would rather have an suv though like yours sooooo my answer would be to not get a van. You already have an suv and a sports car so a nice sedan would round it out to a perfect group of cars that you can choose from for whatever the occassion is! Good plan :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have any of the mommy experience but I like the Taurus! It looks nice! I didn't know that you disliked the Lancer that much. Who did you sell it to?

Holly Steffen said...

I thought you had an explorer, thats not 7 passenger is it?

You gotta think of circumstances too... like your parents live close so you don't have to cart as much stuff over to their house as I would (with my rents 2hrs away).

We are getting a minivan/large suv soon. I don't really care about driving a minivan (i used to, but i'm over it). There is just no way we can go visit family with 2 kids in our little car. And eventually when baby 3 comes along (if i survive this pregnancy/labor!) he/she will definitely not fit- another carseat wouldn't fit. my only requirement is all wheel drive.

So, just think about what you'll be doing with the car. I'm sure you'll make a great decision.

Shelby and Brian said...

Yeah the explorer is a 7 passenger, it has a 3rd row seat that we keep folded down right now.

Unknown said...

We just picked up our new Ford Focus StationWagon. I love it! I can't imagine driving around a minivan but then our streets here are smaller and I have to parallel park everywhere. The Focus SW seems huge to me compared to most cars we have here.

Goodluck picking something!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean . . . I never EVER thought I'd ever drive a minivan. But, we have a Hyundai Entourage and I LOVE it!! It's awesome!!

I know you'll make the right decision!!